

  /  Blog (Page 13)

The Ship Lofts Development has made it into the news!  Puget Sound Business Journal was the first to pick up on us. "Developer plans ship-shaped luxury condo building on Foss Waterway" by Shawna De La Rosa Full Text: As more companies migrate to the South Sound, David Grieshaber bets high-paid executives will be looking for luxury living close to water. To meet that need, Grieshaber, who founded a sustainable-housing company called Ship Lofts LLC, plans to develop a 31-unit mixed-use condominium development on the shores of the Thea Foss Waterway. Units will likely start above $1 million. The

Our site may come across as slow to some that connect to the Ship Lofts website. We've decided to take every single item of waste seriously in the development of our building. Therefore the Ship Lofts website is proudly hosted on a solar powered 7W microcomputer the size of a credit card: an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, in-cased in a fully passive heat sink case from Mecatronics. All files are stored on a 128 GB USB 3.1 GTX SSD stick from Corsair.

Ship Lofts has come a long way since its design inception was started in March of 2019.  It all started with the Revit design of the bow point above. I'm very proud to see my vision become a reality. This site design will server as the site moving forward. Please leave your main page comments below. Thank you for your support.